Back Old Authentic Wicker BasketBack to overview SOLD Favourites SOLD SOLD ‹› Favourites Favourites Old Authentic Wicker BasketBack to overview 79,95 (0)Old Authentic Wicker BasketArticle code: 4729CompareQuantity+-Out of stock Out of stockProduct descriptionOld Authentic Wicker BasketDimensions approximately 47x29xh23xh35Origin: ShaanxiPeriod: 1930Reviews Create your own review0 stars based on 0 reviews Create your own reviewRecently viewedFavoritenView product SOLD Old Authentic Wicker Basket 79,95 FavoritenAdd to cart Wicker dining room chair 155,00 FavoritenView product SOLD Buddha head stone brown on foot 117,50 FavoritenAdd to cart Bunch of Flax Salmon 8,50